You want sushi in LA? We boast the three K's: Katsuya, Katana, and Koi. Take your pick of the three, and you will have ambiance, a good roll, and a pricey bill. It pains me to say, because Katsuya has become the quintessential trend bot of the boulevard, but it is my favorite of the three roll wise. Katana wins my vote for ambiance with its outdoor deck patio overlooking the sunset strip and good service. Koi boasts both ambiance and good rolls but they do not have great service ( having to ask for refills every single time is brutal to me )
I know I am including a large scope of sushi, but if you are looking for a lower price point and less of a scene head to SHINTARO which would be my #1 recommendation ( and a lot of other people's..) if you don't feel like wearing your heels to dinner.
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